Rogue and Warrior
Join married couple Rogue and Warrior every week as they try to become subject matter experts in various nerdy topic. From the latest in anime and gaming news to reminiscing over long forgotten shows, Rogue and Warrior demonstrate their approximate knowledge in many things (while actually probably not knowing all that much).
Rogue and Warrior
Ep 7. Chat Rooms: Adults Ruin Everything
Season 1
Episode 7
This week on Rogue and Warrior, we're talking anime social networking and virtual worlds : Gaia Online, Habbo Hotel, Neopets...and don't forget about Club Penguin.
What fun history do these sites have and why did some of them shut down? Was it because adults are awful? Let's find out!
Talking Points: Gaia Online, Habbo Hotel, Neopets, Toon Town. IMVU